favourite links
www.chevaldemerens.com : the national
association of Mérens breeders’ site.
www.haras-nationaux.fr : the official
website of the stud administration.
www.merens.com : the Dutch association
www.merens.ch : the Swiss association website.
www.lait-de-jument.fr : the site of a
producer of mare’s milk the virtues of which are manifold. Must be tasted!
www.ariege.com : everything about the Ariège
and to prepare your visit.
www.ariegepyrenees-alaferme.com : for your stay in the Ariège (in a gite, camping, bed and breakfast)
www.juliecramer.fr for workout of your young horses, breading & re-education of tough horses.
www.angaka.com : for amater skiers and Nordic hiking, discover
the Plateau de Beille sleigh rides with Tornade,Vichnou, and Isabelle Corbière and Pierre Gomis from ANGAKA